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Cultural sights

The Folk Museum of Chora

The Folk Museum of Chora

To truly understand a place, you must learn its history, customs and traditions, namely the foundation of what it is today. A first step towards learning more about what is (...)

The Archaeological Museum of Samothraki

The Archaeological Museum of Samothraki

The Archaeological Museum of Samothraki is in Palaiopoli, right next to the Sanctuary of the Great Gods. The small building was erected by the American School of Classical (...)

The Gateluzzi stronghold of Chora

The Gateluzzi stronghold of Chora

At one end of Chora, in the northeastern part, the ruins of the medieval citadel dominate the settlement from a 250 meters peak. History The citadel is built on an area of (...)

The Winged Victory of Samothraki

The Winged Victory of Samothraki

The most famous symbol of the island is no doubt the statue of the winged goddess Nike (Victory), exhibited today at the Louvre Museum. Her reputation reached all the corners (...)

The Sanctuary of the Great Gods

The Sanctuary of the Great Gods

The island of Samothrace was very famous in the ancient times for one of the few sanctuaries of the Greek world where initiation ceremonies took place. The mystery cult (...)

The ruins of the Monastery of Christ near Therma

The ruins of the Monastery of Christ near Therma

Although the sign says "The Holy Monastery of Christ", the actual monastery doesn't exist anymore. Only its ruins remain in a very beautiful natural setting, somewhere to the (...)

Tracing the footsteps of St. Paul in Samothraki

Tracing the footsteps of St. Paul in Samothraki

Samothraki was the first land where St. Paul set foot when he began his second missionary journey - the one in Europe from around 50 AD. According to the Acts of the Apostles, he (...)

Hotel Archondissa

Looking for accommodation in Samothrace

Hotel Archondissa

Boutique Beach

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Hotel Archondissa Beach
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